Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I want to start this by saying that I first started paying attention to the news and politics after 9/11. In the years that followed I have found where I stand politically, what issues are important to me, and I love being informed.

I say that, to say this. I am sick and tired of all the hate / fear emails! “Obama is the devil”, or “The government is taking ‘In God We Trust’ off of money”, or “The Ten Commandments are being removed from public buildings”. These emails / conversations are not productive (Titus 3:9). Most of the time they do not accomplish anything except spreading anger and disrespect. Another reason these things bother me is that half of these emails are false! Please, do some research before you hit the forward button and add me the list, or at least insert a disclaimer if you aren't sure what is fact or fiction.

Christianity in Politics

I believe that we as Christians have an obligation to do the right thing, to do what is good. We are told this numerous times in the Bible (Romans 12:17; 1 John 3:10) So please by all means write your congressman, vote in the elections, participate, PLEASE participate. But DO NOT come to me and tell me how much of a jerk you think the President is. You know what? If you voted, awesome, if your guy didn’t win… Guess what? It’s probably because God didn’t want him in office. Look at Romans 13:1 God places people in power for a reason. It’s not our place to try and understand why (Isaiah 55:8-9.)

You know personally I don’t agree with our President, AT ALL! But I respect him. I respect that God put him in power. I remember when G.W. was in office and receiving all kinds of emails about praying for the President, praying for our leaders, for guidance. Let me ask you this. When was the last time you prayed for Barack Obama? Have you ever prayed for Barack Obama? (1 Timothy 2:1-2)

I write all of this knowing that I have been in that place of complaining about the Government, and talking trash about elected officials. Guess what? Titus 3:1-2 tells us that we are to “Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men”. This is a verse we skim by and don't live by, but then agree with when in the company of other people. I hear it all the time “… but seriously I respect the president…” then two days later, another email, another complaint.

Do what is right. If you or I have the opportunity to vote, or to participate in something that will ensure the rights and freedoms we enjoy in this country, that we have been so blessed to be a part of. Do it! By all means do what is right, but don’t slander people. Don’t talk so negatively that it brings your brother or sister in Christ down, or sets a bad example to non-believers.

If you disagree with me, please write me and let’s open up a dialogue, and talk about it. Let’s find the truth and above all else let’s love one another.

Thank you,

John Popovich
P.S. I am not writing this about a particular person, or group of people. If you feel like I am writing this about you and are offended, I apologize, but maybe you should re-examine yourself, take a step back and ask yourself “Am I doing this? Do I complain all the time without ever having a solution? Does my attitude bring others down?” (Heck, I'm guilty of that sometimes!) I would also like to ask that if you are going to forward something to me that has information about an evil or injustice in the world, please give me the contact information for the senator or representative I can call, or the time and place of a town meeting. Give me information we can use to stop the bad, and enforce the good. Let’s make a difference and give the glory to God.