Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Not off to a good start

Ok so I wanted to this this on a regular basis. I'm going to try even if it's just a little bit everyday.
So I was thinking about Superheroes on my way to work. I was thinking, in particular, about the big three. Superman, Batman, and Spiderman. I was thinking that with their abilities (even Batman) they could have easily been bad guys. I think the true heroes in these stories are the parents, or parent figures (grandparents, butler). If these guys, Superman especially, were raised by abusive, or ill-tempered parent figures the outcome would have been very bad. Imagine an alcoholic Superman with a god-complex. So I applaud the parents of Superman, Mr. and Mrs. Kent you did a good job there. I know I could have gone a little deeper into that or I could have saved this for Mothers day, but it was on my mind.
We watched Mr. Brooks last night. Very Good movie, very disturbing movie. I would recommend it, although there is nudity and the EFF word... but it had a great story. Isn't it funny how we justify profanity, murder, lust, and all other representations of sin by saying "...but it had a good story". I think... I don't know what to think about that. I do know that Sarah and I are of the maturity level that we can watch a movie that has violence and murder and not go out and kill cats because "the guy in the movie said killing was fun", or go out and look in the girls shower at a gym, because "she looked like that hot actress in that movie and and I wanted to see if her boobs look the same". You know crap like that! I know that there's a lot worse stories in the bible involving lust, murder, and nudity...

I don't know where I was going with that, I guess what I'm saying is, if you cant handle a nude scene in a movie and you start freaking out and turning into Steve Urkel when he's around Laura, maybe you shouldn't watch movies with nudity, or brief nudity (butt cracks and side boob). Ha that would be a great name for a blog "Butt Cracks and Side Boob"

1 comment:

ryry(boo boo) said...

dude that movie was sick, and dane cook played a weird role and kinda creepy and the nude scene was top notch stuff!!!!! jk.... but yea it was a crazy one!!!!!!