Monday, June 22, 2009

Near Death Experience

So this is totally a true story... I went to the river with my Wife and some friends (who will remain nameless to protect the innocent ha ha) Anywhoo we were floating along in a group of 7 and we hit a fast current, that's not so bad except that the current was taking us toward a rock wall. Again not so bad except there were people there who had already got stuck. So we collided with them and besides my best efforts to stay a float I well, fell overboard. Of course I corrected my position and start to head up to the surface except I am going nowhere and the dark silhouette of the recently vacated tube started to disappear, I then realized I was being sucked under by the current colliding with the wall.

I was struggling and kicking like crazy, but I wasn't getting anywhere. Well many things ran through my head, one being "do I swim sideways, no that's the ocean... crap what do I do?" then I started thinking "well I guess this is how I go... sucking in salt river pee water!" then it hit me... the rock wall, no literally I hit the rock wall, hard! Then I grabbed a hold of the wall, planted my feet on the side of it and pushed up and to the right. Then I started kicking, and grabbing, and pulling, then I see the dark ring again, and this time it's getting closer and closer. Then I break through the dark, green, hazy water and find myself in the middle of a different group of people. I hear a voice say "did he pop up yet" I look around and see that there were rescue people at the top of the rock wall just looking down in the water, waiting for me to pop up. No problem, it's not like I could have used the help, sheesh! I then swam over to my group and saw my wife crying, it was so sad I felt horrible for scaring her like that.

So there it is, my brush with death, it could have been a lot worse, and it wasn't so thank God for that. I just remember the desperate feeling of "I need air now, and the surface has completely disappeared" like for a second I had accepted the fact that I was going to drown and my limp body would be tossed around the under current, then pinned against the rock wall. But surprisingly, I never panicked, I just kept trying, and if it wasn't for hitting that rock wall, I don't know...

At the end of the day all I know is God is good. I have no doubt He helped me out of that scary situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well we are all very glad that u are okay :) God was definately there!!

Love you brother in law

<3 Laura